In a recent article, it is revealed that Kim Kardashian, a prominent celebrity, is pleading with her sister, Kourtney, as she shares details of how her daughter, North, is being exploited for profit. Kim discloses that North is being monetized in various ways, and she expresses her concern about this situation to Kourtney.

Kim’s main contention revolves around the fact that North’s image and likeness are being used by various brands and enterprises to generate income. This includes featuring North in clothing campaigns, where she is made to model and promote products. Kim believes that this excessive monetization is negatively impacting her daughter’s childhood and privacy.



Moreover, Kim also expresses her apprehension about North being exposed to social media at such a young age. She admits that it is challenging to protect her daughter from this exposure since being part of the Kardashian family means being constantly in the spotlight. Kim emphasizes the importance of allowing North to form her own identity and decide whether she wants to be involved in public life in the future.

Kim’s pleas to Kourtney stem from her desire to ensure that North’s childhood is protected and not overshadowed by commercialization. She urges her sister to be more cautious about the opportunities presented to North and to prioritize her well-being above financial gain.


In conclusion, Kim Kardashian’s concern for her daughter’s welfare and the excessive monetization of North’s image highlights the need for balance between fame and privacy, particularly in the lives of celebrity children.