Rick Ross and his Son William Roberts have a lot in common: Like blue cars and diamonds

Rick Ross, the “Biggest Boss,” celebrated his son William Roberts III’s 18th birthday on social media. The rap star showed his love and pride for his son in a series of poignant posts, reliving memorable moments and wishing him a happy birthday.

Rick Ross began the celebration with a heartwarming greeting for his 18th-birthday son, William Roberts III. The rapper expressed his joy and affection for his son’s adulthood in his wishes. Ross called his son a “young KING” and expressed his pride in him.


With the birthday wishes came posts about William Roberts III’s greatest moments. Rick Ross described his son’s progress and accomplishments over time. The posts depicted the young man’s academic and personal successes, which his father welcomed with joy and nostalgia.


Rick Ross’s messages not only conveyed a celebration of his son’s accomplishments but also underscored the strong bond between the father and son. The rapper’s expressions of love and pride highlighted the importance of family in his life, offering fans a glimpse into the personal side of the larger-than-life figure known as the “Biggest Boss.”

Referring to William Roberts III as a “young KING” is a testament to Rick Ross’s belief in his son’s potential and character. The empowering message suggests that Ross sees in his son not just a family member but a future leader and individual of great significance. The term “young KING” carries a weight of responsibility and honor, reflecting the values instilled in the young man.

As Rick Ross shared these posts on social media, fans and followers flooded the comments section with birthday wishes for William Roberts III. The celebration extended beyond the family circle, resonating with fans who appreciate the rapper’s openness in sharing personal moments of joy and celebration.

Rick Ross’s celebration of his son William Roberts III’s 18th birthday not only marked a significant personal milestone but also provided fans with a glimpse into the rapper’s role as a father. Through meaningful wishes and reflections on outstanding moments, Ross showcased the deep love and pride he holds for his son, reinforcing the importance of family in the life of the “Biggest Boss.”

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