Mariska Hargitay, renowned actress and star of the hit TV series “SVU,” surprised a young girl who fought off an attacker. Hargitay, known for her portrayal of Detective Olivia Benson on the show, visited young “SVU” fan, Julianna, in a heartwarming and emotional encounter.

Mariska Hargitay 'honored' 'Law & Order: SVU' helped girl escape -

Julianna, a 12-year-old girl from New Jersey, demonstrated extraordinary courage when she bravely fought off an attacker earlier this month. The incident occurred while Julianna was walking home from school. Surprisingly, she knew exactly what to do – she fought back, kicked her assailant, and escaped the dangerous situation unharmed. Julianna’s quick thinking and self-defense skills were possible thanks to watching episodes of “SVU.”

Hargitay, moved by Julianna’s story and her bravery, decided to visit Julianna at her home. The special encounter was filmed as part of an episode of “SVU” dedicated to inspiring and empowering young girls and women. The aim was to highlight the importance of self-defense and to acknowledge Julianna’s remarkable act of bravery.

When Hargitay, disguised as a deliverywoman, arrived at Julianna’s door, the young girl was overjoyed and surprised. Recognition quickly crossed Julianna’s face as she realized she was face-to-face with her idol, Mariska Hargitay. The two shared an emotional embrace as they discussed the incident and the impact “SVU” has had on Julianna’s life.

During the visit, Hargitay gifted Julianna with an honorary detective badge and a signed copy of a script from the show. The actress commended Julianna’s bravery and credited her with becoming a “real-life superhero.” Hargitay’s admiration for Julianna extended beyond just their meeting, as she later took to social media to express her respect and appreciation for the young girl.

The encounter between Hargitay and Julianna serves to highlight the positive influence that television can have on society. The show “SVU,” with its focus on fighting against injustice and raising awareness about sexual assault and violence, inspired Julianna to take action and defend herself. Through her role as Detective Olivia Benson, Hargitay has not only entertained audiences for years but also empowered them to stand up for what is right.

Julianna’s story reinforces the importance of self-defense training and teaching young girls to protect themselves. Through her bravery and quick thinking, Julianna showcased the power individuals have to fight back against attackers and protect themselves from harm.

Ultimately, Mariska Hargitay’s surprise visit to Julianna highlights how an actress portraying a determined detective on television can influence and inspire real-life acts of courage. The encounter undoubtedly left a lasting impact on both Julianna and Hargitay, as it emphasized the importance of using one’s voice and actions to combat injustice.