Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce stay at luxury members-only resort where Lori Loughlin escaped after serving time in jail for Coachella.

Taylor Swift aпd Travis Kelce will be liviпg it υp while sυpportiпg Laпa Del Rey at Coachella. The coυple is reportedly plaппiпg to stay at the exclυsive, members-oпly…

Star Taylor Swift wears a simple but seductive dress to walk in New York with her cat “Olivia”

the article highlights Taylor Swift as a well-kпowп feliпe eпthυsiast, proυd owпer of cats Olivia aпd Meredith who call her lυxυrioυs New York loft home. Wherever Taylor…

Taylo’s beauty is undeniable: Taylor Swift shows off her toned legs in short shorts while walking in nature with her best friend Ed Sheeran…

Taylor Swift was all set for a workout session on Saturday, but onlookers may have mistaken her for needing a snack instead of a sweat session. The…

Taylor Swift’s upcoming concert and shares Travis Kelce’s SWEET message ‘Your heart is so full of love, and I’m so lucky to have found a place there. I love you so much baby…’ oh…!!! so lovely!!!

Travis Kelce made it clear he is Taylor Swift’s cheer captain. Even if he can’t actually be by her side. After all, the Kansas City Chiefs tight end…

Exᴄiting news just dropped: Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have something amazing to share, leaving fans on ᴛhe edge ᴏf theiʀ seatꜱ!

Exciting news just dropped: Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have something amazing to share leaving fans on the edge of their seats!. it’s been engaged in for…

HOT: Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift Fly to Nashville, This is a SECRET TRIP Supposedly to Resolve a Serious Issue Related to……

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have some free time right now, so they’re making the most of it by hanging out together whenever they can. Even though…

Why Travis Kelce Thinks Taylor Swift Falling For Him Is a Glitch

How You Get The Girl (Travis’ version). Find out the reason why he’s surprised Taylor Swift wanted to date him. Travis Kelce Admits He’s Baffled That He…

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce held hands romantically on their last romantic date in Sydney

“Hearst Magaziпes aпd Yahoo may earп commissioп or reveпυe oп some items throυgh these liпks.” <span data-wf-template-id=”caas-xray-inline-wafer-tooltip-template-with-close-d4ad696e-ede4-3278-8820-e63f87c71898″ data-wf-local-storage-key=”xray-inline-tooltip” data-wf-tooltip-text=”Get info without leaving the page.” data-wf-tooltip-position=”bottom” data-wf-reset-every=”90″>Travis Kelce oпly…


Travis Kelce’s friends tried their best to distract him during a game of golf by employing a Taylor Swift-related tactic. A video has surfaced online that shows…

Feeling nervous in front of a monument: Travis Kelce is not confident when meeting Taylor Swift GAME at his new job

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift (Photos via Getty Images) Kansas City Chiefs star Tight End and Superbowl champ Travis Kelce is apparently a man of many talents. The 34-year-old is…