Jason Alexander, who starred in Pretty Woman, talked to People magazine about the alleged little crush Julia Roberts developed on Richard Gere

Seinfeld Star Revealed Julia Roberts Harbored Real Feelings For Co-star Richard Gere on the Sets of ‘Pretty Woman’


Julia Roberts starred as Hollywood pr*stitute opposite Richard Gere’s corporate raider in Pretty Woman
The actress developed a little crush on Gere, revealed co-star and Seinfeld alum Jason Alexander
The original scrip for the film was leagues darker, dealing with issues of addiction and realities of the s*x industry

Pretty Woman is a romantic comedy that has a lot going on for itself. Initially a pretty dark and twisted tale, the film was rewritten to be more in line with Disney’s brand image, which turned the original script into a fun love story between a corporate raider and a s*x worker.

Pretty Woman star Julia Roberts

Pretty Woman star Julia Roberts
The film stars Julia Roberts as a Hollywood pr*stitute and Richard Gere as the corporate magnate. This film is credited with launching Julia Roberts as the star that she is, while the director, Garry Marshall, was credited with making the set one of the most relaxed productions ever. However, the cast and crew of the film, speaking to people, hinted that Roberts might have developed a little crush on her leading man.

Apparently, it was difficult not to have a little crush on Richard Gere

Richard Gere in the 80s

Richard Gere in the 80s
Speaking to People magazine, the cast and crew of Pretty Woman recounted their time on the set of the film. Jason Alexander of Seinfeld fame was also talking to the magazine and hinted at feelings between Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, but then according to the actor, it was difficult to not have feelings for the actor for anyone. Alexander said:
“… it seemed like Julia had a little crush on Richard, which makes sense. I had a little crush on Richard. Richard’s very hard to not have a little crush on.”
Richard Gere was definitely a heartthrob of the time, and starring alongside him could only be a dream come true for any up-and-coming actor. However, this was a pairing that was definitely engineered, given that Gere has already turned down the lead role in the film a couple of times.

The original script for Pretty Woman was a lot edgier
Julia Roberts in a still from Pretty Woman

Julia Roberts in a still from Pretty Woman
Pretty Woman might have ended up as a feel-good love story that warms the audience’s heart, but the original script was a lot edgier and a lot darker than the final product. JF Lawton, the screenwriter of the film, revealed where the plot went in the original setting. The writer revealed:
“Certainly the script was much, much edgier than the movie. For the original ending, he’s leaving town and at the last minute offers to drive her back. They get in a big argument in the car, and he opens the door and says, ‘You’ve got to go.’ I mean, she’s sobbing. He gives her the money, and she won’t take it, so he forces it into her hand. She throws it in his face, and then he drives off. After he’s gone, she picks the money up out of the gutter.”
In stark contrast to what the film ended up doing finally, the script explored much darker themes like addiction and the realities of the s*x work industry. Disney cleaned up the script to make it into a fuzzy romcom, but the original script would not be out of place in a Fox Studios film.